In the heart of New York City, a unique collaboration is bringing history to life for students in the tri-state area. The Broadway musical Harmony, in partnership with the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene, has launched an inspiring initiative. Thanks to generous donations, the producing team of Harmony is offering complimentary tickets to select students from the tri-state area until February 4, allowing them to witness a remarkable story of talent, perseverance, and unity.
Harmony tells the extraordinary true tale of The Comedian Harmonists, a group of six talented young men in 1927 Berlin who rose to international stardom, only to face an abrupt end by 1935. This moving narrative is not just entertainment; it's a vital piece of history.
Ken Davenport, the lead producer of Harmony, spoke to the timeliness of the show. "In today's world, where division often takes center stage, Harmony serves as a reminder of the power of unity and art. It's essential for young audiences to witness this story, to understand the past, and to build a harmonious future."
Davenport has once again demonstrated his unwavering dedication to nurturing the next generation of theatre enthusiasts. With Harmony, Davenport and his team in partnership with influential organizations and the educational sector, aims to bring a diverse array of students to the heart of Broadway, offering them a glimpse into the rich tapestry of history and culture that only live theatre can provide.
The Broadway musical Harmony resonates deeply in today's climate, particularly against the backdrop of a worrying rise in antisemitism. According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents in the United States increased by about 400% in late 2023. This stark reality makes the story of Harmony not only a historical narrative but a timely echo in our present day.
This initiative represents a critical commitment to audience development in the Broadway industry, going beyond mere entertainment to educate and enlighten a new generation. By connecting the historical narrative of Harmony with the contemporary issue of rising antisemitism and the transformative power of arts education, this initiative stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder of art's enduring ability to inspire change.