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300 NYC Public School Children Go Behind the Scenes on Broadway (VIDEO)

In a dazzling display of talent and ambition, 300 Situation Project students embarked on an unforgettable journey to watch The Play That Goes Wrong on Broadway. But that's not all – the students from MS 343 went above and beyond, taking charge of the entire theater for a day!

These budding theater enthusiasts shadowed the show's experienced crew members after the show. They were given an insider's look at the intricate workings of a Broadway production, discovering firsthand the dedication and skill required to make the magic happen on stage.

The importance of an opportunity like this can't be understated: a troubling 2014 report by the Office of the New York City Comptroller revealed that a staggering 28 percent of schools in New York City lack a full-time certified arts teacher, with an additional 20 percent having no arts teacher at all. Notably, the South Bronx and Central Brooklyn, which house 31 percent of all NYC schools, bear the weight of more than 42 percent of these teacher-deficient schools.

Enter Situation Project: an organization created to bridge this opportunity gap and empower students from their partner schools. By providing them with exclusive access to extraordinary experiences like The Play That Goes Wrong, they aim to unleash their creativity, nurture their passions, and pave the way for a future where every young mind can thrive.
